Упражнения уровня TOEFL по английскому языку. № 24.

Перепишите пары предложений ниже, чтобы получилось одно предложение. При необходимости используйте относительные местоимения и соответствующие знаки препинания.
Rewrite the pairs of sentences below to make one sentence. Use relative pronouns and appropriate punctuation as necessary.

(1) Baseball is very popular in Japan. It is essentially an American game.
Baseball, which is essentially an American game, is very popular in Japan.

(2) My friend David is a lawyer. His mother is in prison.
My friend David, whose mother is in prison, is a lawyer.

(3) I have a fantastic new computer. It cost more than my car.
I have a fantastic new computer which / that cost more than my car.

(4) He's going to buy a new car. I think it's a waste of money.
He's going to buy a new car, which I think is a waste of money.

(5) He has a girlfriend. He doesn't really love her.
He has a girlfriend (who) he doesn't really love.

(6) That woman has a dog. The dog attacked me last week.

That's the woman whose dog attacked me last week.

Выберите наиболее подходящее слово, выделенное курсивом, в каждом из следующих предложений.
Choose the most appropriate word in italics in each of the following sentences.

(1) The film was extremely terrific / horrible / entertaining /.
(2) The film was very disappointing. It was a huge letdown / garbage / disappointing /.
(3) I couldn't care more / less / any / about who wins the next election.
(4) I'm really fussy of / with / about / the brand of trainers I buy.
(5) The sales figures / statistics / numbers / for last month were very encouraging.
(6) We had a 22 per cent market share / part / leader / in the US last year.

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