Упражнения уровня TOEFL по английскому языку. № 25.

Исправьте приведенную ниже информацию, используя разделительные предложения (этого не было + относительное предложение и информация в конце предложения).
Correct the information below using cleft sentences (It wasn't + relative clause and the information at the end of the sentence).

(1) France won the football World Cup in 2002.
It wasn't France who/which/that won the soccer World Cup in 2002.

. It was Brazil.

(2) Princess Diana died in 2000.
It wasn't in 2000 that/when Princess Diana died.

. It was in 1997.

(3) George Bush beat Bill Clinton in the American elections in 2000.
It wasn't Bill Clinton that/who George Bush beat in the American elections in 2000.

. It was Al Gore (not Bill Clinton).

Напишите второе предложение так, чтобы оно означало то же самое, что и первое, начиная с приведенных слов.
Write the second sentence so that it means the same as the first beginning with the words given.

(1) I don't understand why she hasn't phoned him yet.

What I don't understand is why she hasn't phoned him yet.

(2) She didn't want to go there on business.

What she didn't want (to do) was to go there on business.

(3) He won't want to leave a day early.

What he won't want (to do) is to leave a day early.

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