Упражнения уровня TOEFL по английскому языку. № 18.

Напишите второе предложение, используя пассивные косвенные структуры и глагол в круглых скобках, чтобы оно означало то же, что и первое.
Write the second sentence using Passive Report structures and the verb in parentheses so that it means the same as the first.

(1) He will be in prison for the rest of his life.
(expect) It is expected that he will / He is expected to be in prison for the rest of his life.


(2) A few people are suggesting that he could be the next Prime Minister.
(suggest) It is being / has been suggested that he could be the next Prime Minister.


(3) Most people thought he wasn't up to the job.
(feel) It was felt that he wasn't up to the job. / He wasn't felt to be up to the job.


(4) They have investigated allegations that he accepted bribes.
(allege) It has been alleged that he accepted bribes.


(5) He probably left before she did.
(He think) He is thought to have left before she did.


Выберите правильное слово, выделенное курсивом, в приведенных ниже предложениях.
Choose the correct word in italics in the sentences below.

(1) 'I like people who are calm and relaxed, you know, kind of laid-back / stand-offish / absentminded /.'
(2) 'She was always reasonably nice to me, but then I discovered yesterday that she's been saying all these horrible things about me. She's so self-assured / open-minded / two-faced /.'
(3) 'Just because she's got loads of money and I haven't, she thinks she's better than me. She's so stuck-up / grown-up / quick-witted /.'
(4) Beauty is in the face / eye / mind / of the beholder.
(5) 'My mum won't let me go out with my boyfriend alone. We always have a guard / supervisor / chaperone / with us.'
(6) 'I'm so in love with him. I'm in a maze / craze / daze / most of the time!'

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