Упражнения уровня TOEFL по английскому языку. № 19.

Завершите разговор между Пэт и Сарой правильной формой have/get + object + причастие прошедшего времени. Используйте информацию, заключенную в круглые скобки.
Complete the conversation between Pat and Sarah with the correct form of have/get + object + past participle. Use the information in parentheses.

P: Are you ready for the party, Sarah?

S: Yes, just about I think. I (1) had/got my hair done (do / my hair) this afternoon.

P: I thought so. It looks great. It really suits you.

S: Thanks. And I (2) had/got my party dress dry-cleaned (dry-clean / my party dress) last week, so I should look pretty sexy!

P: You always look sexy, Sarah!

S: Well, if you think so, Pat, I think you should (3) have/get your eyes tested (test / your eyes)! I have my bad days!

P: Don't we all! Oh, by the way, did you (4) have/get your piano tuned (tune / your piano)?

S: Yes, I did. I'm looking forward to having a few songs at the party.

Выберите правильное слово, выделенное курсивом, в приведенных ниже нереальных условных предложениях.
Choose the correct word in italics in the unreal conditional sentences below.

(1) Imagine that you were living in the year 2099. What would you wearing / be wearing / have worn /?
(2) Suppose that a complete stranger gave you £100. Would you give / have given / be giving it back /?
(3) Supposing she were to tell / had told / might tell / you she loved you, what would you have said?
(4) Assuming that your team were to win / had won / were winning / the semi-final, could you be fit to play in the final?

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