Упражнения уровня IELTS по английскому языку. № 33.

Завершите каждое предложение так, чтобы оно означало более или менее то же самое, что и первое.
Complete each sentence so that it means more or less the same as the first.

(1) The police questioned Oscar winner Scott Dawson last night.
Oscar winner Scott Dawson was questioned
last night.

(2) Police had discovered two kilos of drugs in Dawson's car last week.
Two kilos of drugs had been discovered
in Dawson's car last week

(3) The FBI is also investigating Scott Dawson.
Scott Dawson is also being investigated
by the FBI.

(4) Police have not charged Mr Dawson with any crime.
Mr Dawson has not been charged
with any crime.

(5) However, some in the FBI believe Dawson is a drug smuggler.
It is believed
by some in the FBI that Dawson is a drug smuggler.

(6) People know Dawson mainly for his acting.
Dawson is known
mainly for his acting.

(7) No one has seen Dawson's fiancee Fiona Fuller for two weeks.
Dawson's fiancee Fiona Fuller has not been seen
for two weeks.

(8) The police are going to search Mr Dawson's home this morning.
Mr. Dawson's home is going to be searched
this morning.

(9) Venture Films will release Dawson's new film The Criminal next week.
Dawson's new film The Criminal will be released
by Venture Films next week.

(10) 'The studio is not going to cancel the premiere,' said an insider.
'The premiere is not going to be cancelled
by the studio,' said an insider.

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