Тест 40. Тема: Диалог о проведенных выходных днях. Тесты по английскому языку начального (Beginner) уровня с ответами.


Listen to Anna telling Carl about her weekend. Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

1 At the weekend, Anna usually…
A goes to festivals / B goes to her parents' house / C stays at home /

2 Anna went to the rock festival with…
A her husband / B her friends / C her parents /

3 On Sunday…
A the bands were great / B Anna was tired / C it was hot and sunny /

4 Anna was at the festival from…
A Friday evening to Sunday afternoon /
B Saturday morning to Sunday evening /
C Saturday afternoon to Sunday morning /

5 Anna saw…
A an American band / B an Australian band / C an African band /

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