Монологи на английском языке с текстом и переводом. №2-5. Тема: ... с неожиданной развязкой.


1) Включите запись. Слушайте диктора и НЕ смотрите на английский текст.
2) Включите запись. Слушайте диктора и смотрите на английский текст.
3) Прочитайте английский текст вслух.
4) Включите запись. Слушайте диктора и НЕ смотрите на английский текст. Если вам все понятно, выполните упражнение и тест. Если нет, повторите пункт 2 и снова выполните пункт 4.

The policewoman came in and sat down on the sofa.
'Are you a friend of Jamie Dixon?' she said.
'Yes,' said Hannah.
'Yes,' said Hannah.
'I understand you were going to meet him this evening.'
'Yes, at 5.30, at a coffee bar. But he didn't come, so I didn't see him.'
'Well, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you,' said the policewoman.
'What? What's happened?'
'Jamie had an accident this evening.'
'Oh no! What kind of accident?'
'He was crossing the road and a car hit him.'
'Is he... OK?'
'Well, he is going to be in hospital for a long time.'
'Oh no.'
'But don't worry, he's going to be OK.'
'When did this happen?'
'This evening at twenty-five past five. He was crossing the road in the High Street.'
'And the driver of the car?'
Полицейская вошла и села на диван.
- Вы подруга Джейми Диксона? - сказала она.
- Да, - ответила Ханна.
- Я так понимаю, вы собирались встретиться с ним сегодня вечером.
- Да, в 5.30, в кафе-баре. Но он не пришел, поэтому я его не видела.
- Боюсь, у меня для вас плохие новости, - сказала женщина-полицейский.
- Что? Что случилось?
- С Джейми сегодня вечером произошел несчастный случай.
- О нет! Какой несчастный случай?
- Он переходил дорогу и его сбила машина.
- С ним... все нормально?
- Ну, он еще долго будет лежать в больнице.
- О нет.
- Но не волнуйтесь, с ним все будет хорошо.
- Когда это произошло?
- Сегодня вечером в двадцать пять минут шестого. Он переходил дорогу на Главной улице.
- А водитель этой машины?
Упражнение 1.
Нажмите кнопку "Скрыть". Кликните на появившихся полях ввода и впишите нужные слова, фразы и предложения. Проверьте и исправьте ошибки, нажав "Показать".


1) Включите запись. Слушайте диктора и НЕ смотрите на английский текст.
2) Включите запись. Слушайте диктора и смотрите на английский текст.
3) Прочитайте английский текст вслух.
4) Включите запись. Слушайте диктора и НЕ смотрите на английский текст. Если вам все понятно, выполните упражнение и тест. Если нет, повторите пункт 2 и снова выполните пункт 4.
'She didn't stop.'
Yes, it was a woman in a white car. Every police officer in the town is looking for her.'
'Can I go to the hospital to see Jamie?'
'Yes, I can take you there now.'
'I'll get my coat. OK I'm ready.'
'Is that your car, madam? The white one over there?'
'Yes it is.'
'Can I have a look at it?'
'Did you know your front light is broken?'
'No, I didn't.'
'What exactly were you doing at 5.25 this evening, madam?'
- Она не остановилась.
- Она?
- Да, это была женщина в белой машине. Все полицейские в городе ищут ее.
- Могу я отправиться в больницу повидаться с Джейми?
- Да, я могу отвезти вас туда прямо сейчас.
- Я возьму свое пальто. Хорошо, я готова.
- Это ваша машина, мадам? Белая вон та?
- Да.
- Могу я взглянуть на нее?
- Вы знали, что у вас разбит передний фонарь?
- Нет.
- Что именно вы делали сегодня в 5.25, мадам?
Упражнение 2.
Нажмите кнопку "Скрыть часть слов". Кликните на появившихся полях ввода и впишите нужные слова. Проверьте и исправьте ошибки, нажав "Показать слова".
Read the article and tick ( ) A, B, or C.

How green is your house?
As the UK's cities expand rapidly, problems are being caused for councils who have to meet the demand for housing. In addition to this, energy prices and pollution levels continue to increase.
A solution has been developed by the Peabody Trust who have worked with environmental experts to buildthe Beddington Zero Energy housing development (BedZED) in Sutton, England.
This unique development is an environmentally-friendly community of a hundred homes including gardens, offices, and childcare facilities with plenty of surrounding green areas. BedZED's designers have created an attractive, affordable, urban village whose unique features benefit instead of harm the local community and environment. BedZED is a 'zero energy' development - no fossil fuels (coal and gas) are used and homes do not waste energy. Building materials are mostly natural, renewable or recycled. Houses face the south so that they get plenty of sunlight and their roofs are also fitted with solar panels, which change the sun's energy into electricity. The windows consist of three layers of glass to stop heat from escaping. The homes are also fitted with the most modern energy-saving appliances. It is estimated that families' electricity bills could be reduced by up to 60% whilst heating bills could be reduced by as much as 90%.
Developers hope to achieve a 50% reduction in fossil-fuel use by residents' cars over the next decade by reducing the need to travel. Some residents will have the opportunity to work within walking distance of their homes. The Peabody Trust also aim to set up Internet shopping so that food can be delivered by local supermarkets.
As the need for environmentally friendly, low-energy housing increases, BedZED may change from being a unique model, to a model for all future houses.

Example: Cities in the UK ______.
A are getting expensive /
B are getting larger very quickly /
C have too many politicians /

1 Councils are having problems because ______.
A there are too many houses /
B there aren't enough houses /
C houses cost too much to build /

2 The Peabody Trust ______ an answer to the housing problem.
A have found /
B may have found /
C have to find /

3 The BedZED community is ______.
A very friendly /
B good for the environment /
C designed for people with children /

4 The designers have created houses which are ______.
A quite expensive /
B reasonably priced /
C over priced /

5 The homes ______.
A don't use any energy /
B don't use more energy than they need /
C use more energy than they need /

6 ______ of the materials used in the buildings are environmentally-friendly.
A Some / B All / C Nearly all /

7 Specially-designed ______ keep heat inside the houses.
A appliances / B solar panels / C windows /

8 ______ bills could be cut by as much as 60%.
A Heating / B Electricity / C Fossil-fuel /

9 In the next decade some residents will be able to ______.
A work at home /
B take the bus to work /
C walk to work /

10 BedZED is going to______.
A develop further /
B become a town /
C remain unique /
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