Упражнения уровня KET по английскому языку. № 42.

Завершите каждое предложение двумя словами. Используйте подходящий глагол из таблицы в прошедшем длительном времени.
Complete each sentence with two words. Use an appropriate verb from the box in the Past Continuous tense.
rain have go study drive

We were studying
in the library when Jack came in.
Veronica was having
a shower when the phone rang.
I was driving
my car when I had an accident.
Was it raining
when you woke up this morning?
Where were you going
when I saw you yesterday?
Исправьте пунктуационную ошибку в каждом предложении.
Correct the punctuation mistake in each sentence.
Исправьте пунктуационную ошибку в каждом предложении.

Where do you live.
Where do you live?

'Please don't come before seven o'clock, she said.
'Please don't come before seven o'clock,' she said.

Jeremys watching television with Charles.
Jeremy's watching television with Charles.

We're going to canada with Karen, Fred and Jules.
We're going to Canada with Karen, Fred and Jules.

I was doing my homework, at 9.00 pm last night.
I was doing my homework (без запятой - no comma) at 9.00 pm last night.

Завершите второе предложение так, чтобы оно означало то же самое, что и первое. Используйте глагол в страдательном падеже.
Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. Use a verb in the passive.
Somebody constructed the first Ice Hotel in 1990.
The first Ice Hotel
in 1990.

The hotel serves drinks in the bar.
Drinks are served
in the bar.

Someone pays Tony at the end of every month.
Tony is paid
at the end of every month.

Someone made my mobile phone in Korea.
My mobile phone was made
in Korea.

Someone stole our car last year.
Our car was stolen
last year.

Someone gave Henry the wrong keys.
Henry was given
the wrong keys.

Someone takes the guests' bags to their room.
The guests' bags are taken
to their room.

Someone built this house in 1878.
This house was built
in 1878.

Если вы заметили какие-либо ошибки на сайте или хотите что-либо посоветовать, поругать, похвалить пишите сюда: Вконтакте  или uriymaster@delightenglish.ru