Диалоги на английском языке с переводом. № 94. Тема: Выбор мебели. Продолжение.

Включите запись. Слушайте английские предложения и произносите вслух вслед за диктором. При необходимости ставьте на паузу. Повторите 2-3 раза для правильной постановки произношения.
Прочитаете английские предложения.
Which desk do you think is the most useful?
Well, not the Victoria. It isn't big enough .
Not enough space for a computer.
I think the most useful is the Century .
Yes, I agree. And the ugliest is the Work Station.
Yes. And the most attractive?
Well, for me, the most attractive's the Century.
I think the most attractive's the Victoria .
Какой письменный стол ты считаешь наиболее наиболее практичный (полезный)?
Ну, только не "Виктория". Он недостаточно большой.
Недостаточно места для компьютера.
Я думаю, что самый практичный - "Век".
Да, я согласна. А самый уродливый - "Рабочее место".
Да. А самый привлекательный?
Ну, для меня самым привлекательным является "Век".
Я думаю, что наиболее привлекательный - "Виктория".
Нажмите кнопку "Скрыть часть слов". Кликните на появившихся полях ввода и впишите нужные слова. Проверьте и исправьте ошибки, нажав "Показать слова".

2) Продолжение диалога.

Включите запись. Слушайте английские предложения и произносите вслух вслед за диктором. При необходимости ставьте на паузу. Повторите 2-3 раза для правильной постановки произношения.
Прочитаете английские предложения.
OK, and the colours. Which colour is the warmest , do you think?
I think red's the warmest.
Yes, me too. And the coldest colour's blue.
Green's quite cold too, but ehm... blue's the coldest, I agree. Green's the most relaxing .
Yes. And yellow's the most exciting . Or red. What do you think?
Yellow, I guess .
Хорошо, и цвет. Какой цвет самый теплый, как ты думаешь?
Думаю, красный - самый теплый.
Да, я тоже. А самый холодный цвет - синий.
Зеленый тоже довольно холодный, но эм... синий - самый холодный, согласна. Зеленый - самый расслабляющий.
Да. А желтый - самый захватывающий. Или красный. Что ты думаешь?
Желтый, я полагаю.
Нажмите кнопку "Скрыть часть слов". Кликните на появившихся полях ввода и впишите нужные слова. Проверьте и исправьте ошибки, нажав "Показать слова".
Read the following article on modern jive. The section headings have been removed. Choose from headings a-g the one that best fits each blank. The first has been done as an example. There is one heading that you do not need to use.



At the end of World War II, the American soldiers introduced jive and rock 'n' roll to the dance halls and bars of Europe. It became hugely popular, especially in France. The Americans finally went home, and in the early sixties forgot about jive as they moved on to new dances. The French, however, kept dancing. They developed their own style, adapting it so that it could be danced to any type of music with a regular beat, and French jive, or modern jive, was born.

(1) a

In the early 1980s modern jive was introduced to Britain, and a number of classes were started. They became hugely popular, spreading to towns and cities throughout the country, and then to Australia and New Zealand. Now classes are starting up in the USA, where everything began, and there is no reason why it shouldn't be just as popular.

(2) d

Beginners are taught four simple moves that they walk to four dance beats. The aim is to get you moving as soon as possible. As you grow in confidence, you start to enjoy it more and more. It's also easy to join a class. You don't have to take a partner. During each class, everyone moves around so you get lots of practice with different partners.

(3) g

You can dance it to most types of music with a steady beat, from the 1940s to the present day. Thus, it appeals to people of all ages with a wide range of tastes.

(4) b

It's not an expensive hobby; classes cost no more than a few pounds, and you don't need expensive equipment - just practical clothes and shoes.

(5) h

It's a great way of getting exercise, and it's so enjoyable, you don't realise how hard you are working.

(6) f

Perhaps this is the most important aspect. The way classes are run make it an excellent way of meeting new people and making new friends. Some people have even found romance through modern jive classes.

a) How it grew
b) It's cheap
c) Its origins
d) It's easy
e) Where to find it
f) It improves your social life
g) It's flexible
h) It's healthy

Расставьте слова, чтобы получились предложения.

1) comfortable I the sofa's most the Comfort think Zone.

I think the most comfortable sofa's the Comfort Zone.

2) ugliest I is think Standard the the.

I think the ugliest is the Standard.

3) the what chairs about?

What about the chairs?

4) for Gogh's me, the Van the attractive most, and cheapest it's the.

For me, the Van Gogh's the most attractive, and it's the cheapest.

5) Director but the is comfortable the most.

But the Director is the most comfortable.

6) modern like furniture I.

I like modern furniture.


Переведите письменно предложения на английский язык.

1) Лифт не работает.

The lift doesn't work.

2) (То'быть) Слишком много упражнения для меня!

That's too much exercise for me!

3) Холл не очень большой.

The hall isn't very big.

4) Это гостиная и столовая.

It's the living room and dining room.

5) Взгляните - там есть стол, стул, диван и телевизор.

Look - there's a table, a chair, a sofa, and a TV.

6) И не достаточно пространства для двуспальной кровати.

And there isn't enough space for a double bed.

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