Диалоги на английском языке с переводом. № 91. Тема: Планы как отдохнуть в выходные.

Включите запись. Слушайте английские предложения и произносите вслух вслед за диктором. При необходимости ставьте на паузу. Повторите 2-3 раза для правильной постановки произношения.
Прочитаете английские предложения.
Hi Ana. Planning a holiday ?
Hi Jim. Yes, I want a weekend in the country, but the hotels are too expensive .
Oh. You could stay in a self-catering place.
Yeah, I know, but they're usually for one week minimum . And I hate cooking !
I see. Well, why don't you stay at a campsite ?

Привет, Анна. Планируешь отдых?
Привет, Джим. Да, я хочу провести выходные за городом, но отели слишком дорогие.
О. Ты можешь остановиться в месте с самообслуживанием.
Да, я знаю, но обычно они минимум неделю. И я ненавижу готовить!
Я понимаю. Почему бы тебе не остановиться в палаточном лагере?
Нажмите кнопку "Скрыть часть слов". Кликните на появившихся полях ввода и впишите нужные слова. Проверьте и исправьте ошибки, нажав "Показать слова".

2) Продолжение диалога.

Включите запись. Слушайте английские предложения и произносите вслух вслед за диктором. При необходимости ставьте на паузу. Повторите 2-3 раза для правильной постановки произношения.
Прочитаете английские предложения.
The weather isn't warm enough - it's too cold.
Right. You could stay in a bed and breakfast . Here's one, look 'Freshnest Farm'.
The breakfasts too early . I don't get up before ten at the weekend!
Ana, can I make a suggestion ? Why don't you just stay at home?!
Ha ha ha! Good idea !
Погода недостаточно теплая - слишком холодно.
Правда. Ты можешь остановиться в отеле типа "постель и завтрак". Вот один, посмотри, "Ферма свежее гнездо ".
Завтраки слишком рано. Я не встану раньше десяти в выходные!
Анна, могу я сделать предложение? Почему бы тебе просто не остаться дома?!
Ха-ха-ха! Хорошая идея!
Нажмите кнопку "Скрыть часть слов". Кликните на появившихся полях ввода и впишите нужные слова. Проверьте и исправьте ошибки, нажав "Показать слова".
Read the text below. For questions 1 to 5, choose ( ) the best answer (a, b or c).


Pancho Villa, whose real name was Doroteo Arango, was born into a poor peasant family in northern Mexico in 1877. At the age of 16, after killing a local landowner, he left his family and ran away to the mountains, where he joined a band of outlaws. Within a few years, he was leading them in a series of ruthless attacks against the hated farm owners. But the peasants greatly admired him for his courage and his generosity toward them and he became a great hero, a 'Robin Hood' figure of his time.

In 1910 he joined the Mexican Revolution to fight for political reform and justice for the poor. With a series of brilliant victories, he and his horsemen helped defeat the dictator Porfiro Diaz and put Francisco Madero into power. In 1913, however, Madero was overthrown by Victoriano Huerta. Villa immediately took control of northern Mexico and Huerta was forced to resign.
Villa began to introduce a series of land (наделы земли) and educational reforms in the north to help the peasants, but he was unhappy with the new government and kept up his armed struggle. Aided by Emiliano Zapata, he invaded Mexico City in late 1914 but he was later defeated in battle and retreated north.

Over the next five years, he survived a US invasion of his territory and continued his fight against the government. Eventually, however, he made peace with the new president, who gave him some land in the north. He settled down and became a farmer, but three years later was assassinated by political enemies.

(1) Villa went to the mountains at 16 because…
a) he had killed a member of his family. /
b) he wanted to be an outlaw. /
c) he wanted to escape. /

(2) When he was an outlaw…
a) he was feared by everybody. /
b) he helped the local people. /
c) he attacked farm workers. /

(3) After the defeat of Huerta, Villa…
a) introduced social change. /
b) retired from fighting. /
c) went to live in Mexico City. /

(4) Between 1915 and 1920, he…
a) continued fighting. /
b) joined the government. /
c) worked on a farm. /

(5) Villa was killed…
a) because of his land. /
b) because of his politics. /
c) because of his crimes. /


Расставьте слова, чтобы получились предложения.

1) bottle did poison Lisa buy a of?

Did Lisa buy a bottle of poison?

2) bought yes, bottle she a poison of.

Yes, she bought a bottle of poison.

3) poison put where she the did?

Where did she put the poison?

4) say what the did on phone she?

What did she say on the phone?

5) said father's she, 'dead your!'

She said, 'Your father's dead!'

6) used toothpaste nobody the.

Nobody used the toothpaste.


Переведите письменно предложения на английский язык.

1) Могу я задать вам несколько (немного) вопросов?

Could I ask you a few questions?

2) Я редактор журнала.

I'm a magazine editor.

3) В котором часу (Какое время) вы встаете утром?

What time do you get up in the morning?

4) А в котором часу (Какое время) вы ложитесь спать (отправляетесь в кровать)?

And what time do you go to bed?

5) Вероятно, около десяти часов.

Probably around ten o'clock.

6) Я люблю отправиться на длительную прогулку или ездить на велосипеде.

I love going for a long walk or cycling.

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