Упражнения уровня TOEFL по английскому языку. № 41. 10-163

Прочтите следующий текст об использовании иностранных слов в рекламе. Выберите лучший ответ (a, b или c) на вопросы с 1 по 7.
Read the following text about the use of foreign words in advertising. Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to questions 1 to 7.

When people are faced with a foreign-language barrier, the usual way round it is to find someone to interpret or translate for them. It is sometimes said that there is no task more complex than translation. Translators not only need to know their source language well, they must also have a thorough understanding of the field of knowledge covered by the source text.

Sometimes it pays not to translate, as the business world has long known. Sales can benefit if a product is given a foreign name. In 1960 a Finnish firm distributed canned coffee for the home market using Finnish labels. Sales were poor. The firm then had new labels made with a text in English on the same cans, and sales rocketed. Similarly, English marketing firms and other businesses make use of foreign languages to convey special effects - such as the use of French for the names of restaurants, nightclubs, and perfumes.

The culture that seems to make the most use of foreign languages as a part of business enterprise is Japanese. Here, a wide variety of foreign names is used, depending on the particular quality of the product the manufacturer wishes to stress. In the field of car names, for example, English is used in order to convey an impression of good quality and reliability. If elegance is to be stressed, a French name is chosen. A sports car often has an Italian name.

The linguistic effects are most noticeable in television commercials, where appropriate American, French, or other settings are used along with the foreign language (without translation). Japan is the only monolingual country to make frequent use of foreign languages (primarily English) in its commercials. The viewer does not understand them, but the connotations of prestige associated with these languages are enough to warrant their use. The purpose of the language is not to communicate ideas, but to appeal to the sensibilities of the Japanese viewer, who the manufacturers believe is greatly influenced by the values of modern cosmopolitan society.

(1) Translators must have a good knowledge…
a) of the people that they are translating for. /
b) of the topic of the text that they are translating. /
c) of the foreign-language barrier.

(2) The business world…
a) does not pay much for translation work. /
b) uses foreign languages as a marketing tool. /
c) often makes more money from foreign products. /

(3) The Japanese…
a) generally speak good English. /
b) use English as the only foreign language in their commercials. /
c) like to use foreign names for their products. /

(4) them refers to:
a) foreign languages /
b) commercials /
c) foreign languages or commercials /

(5) connotations is closest in meaning to:
a) ideas /
b) sounds /
c) success /

(6) According to the text, Japanese viewers are…
a) sensible. /
b) usually monolingual. /
c) easily influenced. /

(7) Choose the most appropriate title for the passage:
a) The Foreign-Language Barrier. /
b) When Foreign is Best. /
c) Selling to the Japanese. /

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