Упражнения уровня TOEFL по английскому языку. № 22.

Прочтите абзац о счастливом знакомстве и поставьте глаголы в скобках в простое прошедшее время, прошедшее длительное время, прошедшее совершенное время или прошедшее совершенное длительное время.
Read the paragraph below and put the verbs in parentheses into the simple past, past continuous, past perfect or past perfect continuous tense.

I (1) had been trying (try) to learn Chinese for several months without much success. I (2) was finding / had found / had been finding (find) it particularly difficult learning how to pronounce the words correctly. Then, one day, while I (3) was having (have) lunch in a cafe, a young Chinese woman (4) came (come) up to me and said: 'I see you are reading a Chinese book. Would you like me to teach you some Chinese? In return you can help me with my English.' I said yes, and that's how I (5) learned (learn) how to speak Chinese fluently. Before I met her, I (6) hadn't met (not met) a single Chinese person before. Now I live and work in Beijing and the woman from the cafe is my wife!

Выберите наиболее подходящую фразу, выделенную курсивом.
Choose the most appropriate phrase in italics.

A: I can't find my wallet, John.
J: Has it been stolen?
A: No, I think I (1) must have left / can have left / might be leaving / it at home.

A: The exam was so hard. I'm sure I've failed it!
J: Oh, come on, it (2) can't be / can't have been / mightn't have been / that hard. You never know, you (3) might have / can have / might be / passed.

I think Tony might (4) be worked / have worked / be working / late today. His coat's still here and his computer's still on.

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