Упражнения уровня IELTS по английскому языку. № 6.

Прочтите удивительную историю ниже. Для вопросов с 1 по 5 выберите ( ) наилучший ответ (a, b или c).
Read the amusing story below. For questions 1 to 5, choose ( ) the best answer (a, b or c).

A man had a handsome, highly intelligent Labrador dog named Henry. Every morning, the man put a £5 note in Henry's mouth and said, 'Go and get my paper, Henry.' The dog then went out of the flat, down the stairs, out into the street and around the corner to the newsstand. A few minutes later, he returned with the newspaper in his mouth and sat down next to the man like a faithful companion.

One day, Henry was ready as usual to go on his mission. The man searched in his pocket, but couldn't find a £5 note. So he gave him a £20 note instead, saying, 'Be careful, Henry, and come straight back.' The dog wagged his tail happily, left the flat, and went out into the street. Watching him go from the window the man said to himself, 'What a wonderful friend he is to me.'

After ten minutes, Henry still hadn't returned, but the man tried not to worry. 'Maybe the streets are busy today,' he said to himself. But after another ten minutes, there was still no sign of Henry. He looked out of the window. There was nothing. Quickly, he put on his coat and went out to search for him. 'Perhaps someone has hurt Henry and stolen the money,' he thought, and quickened his step.

Around the corner, he came to the newsstand. 'Did Henry come here today?' he asked. 'Sure,' replied the newspaper man. 'But he didn't stop for the paper. He just carried on walking. I saw him heading toward the delicatessen at the end of the street.'

Very concerned now, the man ran toward the delicatessen and went in. 'Did a Labrador come by here today?' he asked. 'Yes,' replied the storekeeper. 'He came in about twenty minutes ago, spent quite a bit of money, and left. He went that way,' he said, pointing right.

The man hurried out of the delicatessen. Then, passing an alleyway, he turned his head. There in the alleyway was Henry, sitting with a beautiful female Labrador, enjoying the fabulous food he had just bought from the delicatessen.

'Henry! What are you doing?' said the man.

'I'm having a nice romantic meal with my girlfriend,' replied Henry.

The man was clearly shocked and upset. 'But Henry, you've never done anything like this before,' he said.

The dog looked back, gave a smile and said, 'Yes, I know. But I've never had the money before.'

(1) The man gave Henry £20 because…
a) he did it every day. /
b) he had no change. /
c) he wanted him to buy something special. /

(2) The man wasn't worried at first because…
a) he thought Henry was delayed. /
b) Henry was often a little bit late. /
c) the trip always took ten minutes. /

(3) The man left his flat thinking that…
a) Henry had run away. /
b) Henry was lost. /
c) something bad had happened to Henry. /

(4) The man at the newsstand …
a) didn't see Henry. /
b) didn't sell a newspaper to Henry. /
c) saw Henry in an alleyway. /

(5) Henry didn't do this kind of thing before because…
a) he didn't have a girlfriend. /
b) he was a good dog. /
c) he only had £5 to spend. /

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