Упражнения уровня IELTS по английскому языку. № 39.

Поставьте глагол в круглых скобках в правильную форму будущего времени.
Put the verb in parentheses into the correct future form.

'Darling, Will
you marry (marry) me?'
'Yes, of course.'
'Great, it's vacation time. This time tomorrow I I'll be sitting
(sit) on a beach.'
'Tell Derek I I'll have finished
(finish) painting his room by three o'clock at the latest.'
'If you drink this, you you'll feel
(feel) better in no time.'

Прочтите приведенный ниже диалог об отношениях. Выберите слово из таблицы, которое наилучшим образом соответствует каждому пробелу. Используйте каждое слово только один раз.
Read the dialogue below. Choose the word from the box that best fits each space. Use each word once only.
dare business hurt matter right get up care idea mean

Derby: Are you okay?
Quartz: Leave me alone.
Derby: What's the (1) matter
Quartz: Mind your own (2) business
Derby: Have I done something wrong?
Quartz: How (3) dare
you ask? You don't love me anymore.
Derby: You know that's not true. You've (4) hurt
my feelings.
Quartz: Serves you (5) right
Derby: I have no (6) idea
what you are talking about.
Quartz: I know you are (7) up
to something.
Derby: Look, I really don't know what you (8) mean
Quartz: I know you're in love with Shania!
Derby: Shania? You know I don't (9) care
about her.
Quartz: Well she loves you.
Derby: Well, she'll have to (10) get
over it. I only want to be with you!

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