Упражнения уровня IELTS по английскому языку. № 31.

Заполните каждый пробел в тексте о велосипеде, используя слова, указанные в таблице. Используйте каждое слово только один раз.
Complete each gap in the text using the words in the box. Use each word once only.
was used who where with when whose which were

Nobody knows the name of the person who made the first bicycle but some historians believe that ancient Egypt is the place where it all started. Drawings in some old Egyptian tombs certainly seem to show objects that look like bicycles. We know that the Egyptians used to make lightweight wheels with spokes and that they were very skilful builders. So, perhaps, one day, a clever carpenter simply connected two of these wheels to a wooden frame and the bicycle was born.

1490 was the year when the 'bicycle' made its next appearance. A simple picture which dates from that year shows an object with three wheels that looks a lot like a tricycle. Three years later, Leonardo da Vinci, the man whose picture this was, drew one which had two wheels and appeared to be moved by a pedal attached to a chain. Unfortunately, Leonardo never developed his machines further than his drawings.

Прочтите текст ниже. Для вопросов с 1 по 10 выберите слово (a, b, c или d), которое наилучшим образом соответствует каждому пробелу.
Read the text below. For questions 1 to 10, choose the word (a, b, c or d) that best fits each space.

Every morning, Mrs Smith went to (1) c up her son and every morning they
(2) b
have the same conversation.
'It's (3) a
to go to school!'
'But why, Mum? I don't want to go. I want to (4) c
in bed.'
'Please don't be (5) d
, son. Give me two reasons why you shouldn't go.'
'Well, all the (6) a
hate me for one, and the (7) d hate me, too!'
'Oh, that's simply not (8) a
. Come on now and (9) c ready.'
'Give me two reasons why I should go to school.'
'Well, for one, you're 52 years old. And for another, you're the (10) b

(1) a) get b) put c) wake d) show
(2) a) should b) would c) could d) will
(3) a) time b) have c) now d) hour
(4) a) rest b) stop c) stay d) go
(5) a) absent b) bully c) well-behaved d) naughty
(6) a) kids b) babies c) toddlers d) child
(7) a) lecturers b) undergraduates c) degrees d) teachers
(8) a) true b) truth c) false d) untrue
(9) a) make b) do c) get d) become
(10) a) Truant b) Headmaster c) President d) Leader

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