Упражнения уровня IELTS по английскому языку. № 3.

Дополните следующие предложения выражением о еде из таблицы. Выражений больше, чем предложений.
Complete the following sentences with a food expression from the box. There are more expressions than sentences.
full of beans (полон энергии); packed in like sardines (как шпроты в банке); a piece of cake (проще простого); drive me nuts (жутко бесить); not my cup of tea (не в моем вкусе);

(1) Anyone can learn to do yoga. It's a piece of cake .

(2) He's a typical three-year-old. He's so full of beans .

(3) He's very popular in the office, he's just not my cup of tea .

(4) People smoking in restaurants drive me nuts .

Выберите подходящее слово из таблицы, чтобы дополнить следующие предложения о приготовлении пищи. Используйте каждое слово только один раз.
Choose a suitable word from the box to complete the following sentences on food preparation. Use each word only once.
fry bake slice peel boil chop

(1) peel an orange

(2) slice some cheese

(3) bake a cake

(4) chop an onion

(5) fry an egg

(6) boil some water

Напишите следующие предложения полностью, используя союзы, выделенные жирным шрифтом и правильную форму глаголов в скобках.
Write out the following sentences in full using the conjunctions in bold and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

(1) I (call) you/I (get) home as soon as
I'll call you as soon as I get home.

(2) the weather (be) bad/we (eat) inside if
If the weather is bad, we'll eat inside.

(3) I (get) a new job/ I (buy) a new car when
When I get a new job, I'll buy a new car.

(4) I (not feel) better/ I (not go) out tonight if
If I don't feel better, I won't go out tonight.

(5) you (take) this medicine/you (start) to feel better as soon as
As soon as you take this medicine, you'll start to feel better.

(6) you (receive) a certificate/you (complete) the course when
You'll receive a certificate when you complete the course.

(7) I (arrive) early /I (wait) for you in the cafe if
If I arrive early, I'll wait for you in the cafe.

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