Упражнения уровня IELTS по английскому языку. № 23. 45

Завершите каждый вопрос соответствующим предлогом (from, on, about, for, with).
Complete each question with an appropriate preposition (from, on, about, for, with).

(1) What is he famous for
(2) What do you like to spend your money on
(3) What do you usually talk to your friends about
(4) Who do you usually eat dinner with
(5) Where did Picasso come from
При необходимости исправьте эти вопросы.
Correct these questions if necessary.

(1) Did you tell Peter the news? correct

(2) What sport Ronaldo does play? What sport does Ronaldo play?

(3) Who Yoko Ono was married to? Who was Yoko Ono married to?

(4) Who did shoot President Kennedy? Who shot President Kennedy?

(5) When did Mick Jagger marry Bianca? correct
Расставьте слова в каждом предложении в правильном порядке.
Put the words in each sentence in the correct order.

(1) Jim / on / arrives / hardly / time / ever
Jim hardly ever arrives on time.

(2) usually / We / train / the / take / work / to
We usually take the train to work.

(3) then / speak / to / now / I / and / him
I speak to him now and then.

(4) liked / Beatles / She / always / has / the
She has always liked the Beatles.

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